Cyber ghetto you may ask, "What is a cyber ghetto?"
Sometimes it's caused by using several different devices
to access your account(s), but it's when you can't find your
websites or social media activity online. Neither can your potential
customers/clients (if they can't access your product/service or
contact information, what's the use?).
Suddenly you find yourself lost out there in cyberspace somewhere...
and certain search engines, give you a hard time about it.
If you can't figure out how to get out, then you have to
find someone else to do so.
contact information, what's the use?).
Suddenly you find yourself lost out there in cyberspace somewhere...
and certain search engines, give you a hard time about it.
If you can't figure out how to get out, then you have to
find someone else to do so.
Sort of like what it's like in real life. We start zig-zagging
onto that wide path (instead of staying on the strait and
narrow) and before we know it, somehow we're lost.
You just wake up one day and realize you haven't made
many spiritual investments for the Lord and you've been
playing hooky from your church home for a long time.
I'll be the first to tell you that going back to worship can
be tough (backsliding is apparent and folks may wonder
where you’ve been), although I was in and out of church
as well, I wasn't fully committed to Him. You know how we do?
We cut up and ask for forgiveness and then cut again
and ask for forgiveness again. Although we know He can strike
us down at any moment, but in all honesty, I kept asking
the Lord to heal me gently because I knew I was wrong.
Yet He was loving enough to just keep slapping me on
the wrist and slapping me on the wrist and slapping
me on the wrist...
In all of our rebellion we walk through the shadow of
the valley of death absolutely clueless. By the time we
realize we've managed to wander off the strait and
narrow path, it could very well possibly be too late.
Tomorrow isn't promised to ANYONE!
The only thing God promises will never die is His word.
The Bible is a living breathing document and just like
your business plan, you have to revisit it from time to
time to make changes. It took me a while to figure out
how to get out of that cyber ghetto, but while doing so,
I've had plenty of time to think -- absorb all of this
and take it into consideration.
In the event you should ever find that you're not
doing what God called you to do, instead you're heading
in the opposite direction and one day you wake up
wondering, "How did I get here?" I want you to
memorize this scripture. Write it on a 3x5 card
and read it frequently, while you carry it around
with you during the day:
Jeremiah 29:11 New International Version (NIV)
11 For I know the plans I have for you,”
declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you
and not to harm you, plans to give you
hope and a future.
With that being said (it's time to make some changes),
I've done some personal/business planning and so far,
the endgame has always been to become my own
banker and travel the world helping others read the
Bible from cover-to-cover within 90 days. That's always
been part of the plan. I trust the Lord knows what He’s doing.
HOWEVER, the changes are to start traveling as
soon as possible. My first stop will be to North Carolina
in December when I cheerfully encourage my BFF and
Sister-In-Christ as she walks across that stage to
accept her nursing degree. WHOOOP WHOOP,
Maxine (his wife) in Florida. He doesn't know it yet,
but my existing RE mentor passed away, so they're
going to help fill the void. Both are in the real estate
industry among other things, but while I'm there, I'll
set up a retirement timeshare in Florida so that I
can be closer to family members whom I have more
in common. Alex has always been my favorite cousin.
His wife Max is his better half. The best part is,
they are serving the Lord in miraculous ways.
In the meantime I'll have to figure out what to do with
my estate, but that blog post will be called:
"Airbnb vs. Renting to Foreign Exchange Students"
and it will be posted on
As for the cost, there's more research to be done before
I can plug in any numbers to revise the first year financial
projections. Simply because traveling and home ownership
may be expensive, but so is living in cyberspace.
Here's what I mean...
I not only have to get estimates on a few more existing
repairs to housing and land, I'll also have to get price
quotes on the cost of smarting properties out before
relocating (smart fridge, smart tablets, smart stove,
smart thermostat, smart surveillance, internet access, etc.)
Deck it out and rent it out, but how much is that going to
cost and can I get it done before December?
I'll write another blog post as I make progress.
That blog post will be called:
"Price Quotes and Financial Projections"
and it will be posted on:
Moreover, just as I had to clean house, I have to clean
cyberspace, get price quotes to move free blogs and
websites to paid platforms, then there's the marketing
budget to stir up traffic, banner ads, computer graphics,
editing, and all, but as I make progress I will keep you
updated and well informed on how you can do so as well.
That blog post will be called,
"Moving Your Cyberspace"
and will be posted here:
Once I crunch the numbers, I'll have to figure out how
to come up with the capital to do so (cash/credit).
Please pray the Lord will continue to have traveling
but my bike is a dangerous contraption. I figure between
that and coming up with 5-10 clients for will put me on the map.
Right where God wants me to be.
As for being grateful, I want to praise the
One and Only True and Living God! Like I said,
the entire time the Lord kept blessing me and
slapping me on the wrist, as he kept snatching,
and snatching, and snatching negative influences out of my life.
Therefore, I was able to have most of the basic
systems and repairs done with a grant through BSRP
(new electrical wiring throughout, plumbing, roofing, etc.).
I'll write a blog post about that, but I wanted to interview
some of the PHDC staff before doing so I can point you in the right
direction and to make sure I have all of the facts straight.
That post will go here:
In the meantime we shouldn’t hesitate to admit
our shortcomings. The Lord may be bringing you to a
place of repentance for this very reason, so feel freed up
to go back to worship and recommit. Dust yourself off and
try again because He can also use the experience to bring
the next backslider back home like the prodigal son.
Take it from me it really is rather exhilarating!
Thanks for dropping by and until
next time... God bless!
Time to hop on my bike and get some exercise...