Mother didn't approve of
some of the teen aged friends you kept company with? Mines didn't either. The solution was to pray that the
Lord would bless me with some new Christian friends. When the One and Only True
and Living decided to answer my mothers’ prayers, I never imagined how
different it would be to share true Christian camaradery.
It's peaceful, generous trustworthy and most importantly, a
spiritual experience. Prior to meeting my BFF Sister-in-Christ, I never
imagined what it would be like to have a friend that never stabbed me in the
back. Today, I can't help thinking about how God has used her in my life. She's
taught me patience, peace and generosity. Proving time and time again that it's
much better to give than receive.
She's encouraged me to provide foster care and possibly help keep
a brother and sister together. Which means, I'll probably lean on her more than
ever before, but I'm blessed beyond measure to know that she'll be there to
help me raise the children in the way, which they should go.
What I find ironic today is how easily it is to compare pertinent
dates with birthdays. According to my social media experience, I've got two
birthdays I need to recognize today.
Ms. Deb is my Christian BFF's mother
Today is also Gilbert's
wedding day. We grew up together.
Last but not least I want to thank who's ever idea it was to get
married on Gilbert's birthday. Dude get's double whammy for taking care of his
family all year long. Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Sloan!
In the meantime, I have both families on my permanent prayer list.
So is Maryann Rodriguez for the loss of her father. My heart goes out to Vera and Kevin for their loss.
In the midst of our loss I want to thank God for my parents and I
want to thank all those whom are raising their children as single
So the plan was to launch at least a landing page today in honor
of my parents, but it looks like this day is just about gone.
Mr. & Mrs. MyParents
Wow! It's already 12:01 AM. A new day. It's Monday so enjoy the rest of your week!
Thanks for your prayers. Smooches! Love you all!